Just six short months ago, we announced that we were discontinuing this publication in print in favor of all electronic distribution. Frankly, many of you didn’t understand that. After all, Aftermarket Business was the leading print publication in its market niche and had a rich 73-year history, so why mess with a sure thing?
Without citing every reason again, suffice it to say that we are driven to not only keep up with the market but to help lead it. That being the case, I’d like to welcome you to the premiere issue of Aftermarket Business World, the first and only automotive aftermarket publication designed to address global automotive aftermarket issues. No matter where you go or whom you talk to in this marketplace, there’s one thing that everybody agrees on – it’s a global market. It’s not a matter of choosing to participate in it or not. If you’re in business, the world’s businesses are knocking on your door and you better be knocking on theirs.
The world’s highway is a two-way street, so our mission becomes one to satisfy the needs of U.S. readers who want to do business here and elsewhere and readers in other countries who want to do business with U.S. companies. Being an electronic publication assures us that we can reach just about anybody, anywhere.
Before I go on to explain this publication in more detail, I first want to assure our loyal readers that all of the things that you love about Aftermarket Business will still be present in Aftermarket Business World. Again, we’re enhancing our previous publication, not discarding it. We will continue to provide insight and analysis of the domestic market, primary U.S. market research and the best columnists in the industry.
Methodology: The 2010 Aftermarket Business Consumer Attitude Study was fielded to a consumer sampling panel. Of the 75,000 invitations sent, 1,088 responses were received, accounting for a 1.5 percent response rate. The overall margin of error is ±2.1 percent at the 95 percent confidence level.
And speaking of columnists, we’ve added a new one who will provide insight to markets outside the U.S. In a column called “Beyond Borders,” Karen Fierst, a well-known and well-traveled global consultant, will provide in-depth understanding of countries around the world. Each month she will discuss the cultural, political, marketing and logistical information that make each country unique.
Along with Karen, our seasoned editorial team will hone in on topics that are essential in building a global business. We will cover international business basics, how to spot international opportunities and how to take advantage of them, cross cultural communication, problem countries with problem products and processes and just about anything else you can think of that will help make you a savvy global player.
You’ve heard it said many times that the world is shrinking but your business shouldn’t shrink if you have a global mindset. I invite you to join us in our quest to help you grow your corner of the world.