On Thursday, Feb. 7, AASP-MN will host “Advanced GM Diagnostics & Service Programming for the Aftermarket,” from 4 to 7 p.m., at Dunwoody College of Technology, Minneapolis.
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John Hirshmann will present the session, sponsored by Raytheon. The session will cover the new Tech2Win software and Global Diagnostic 2 software.
Topics include:
• A brief overview of the GM J2534 Multiple Diagnostic Interface (MDI) tool used with Tech2Win & GDS2.
•Installation procedures and operating tips for the Tech2Win & GDS2 software
• Various controller learning, programming/reprogramming procedures for several computers, such as engine control modules, body control modules, transmission control modules and numerous other modules that manage electronic systems throughout the vehicle
• Pass-through, off-board and remote programming will be discussed with a key focus on SAE J2534 regulations for pass-through programming.
For additional information or to register, contact the AASP-MN office at (612) 623-1110 or 800-852-9071 or register online at www.aaspmn.org.
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