March 18, 2020—During these uncertain times amid the coronavirus pandemic, it’s not easy for business owners to know every step necessary to help ensure the health of their staff. Fortunately, no shortage of experts have weighed in on the subject.
For example, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention notes that frequently washing hands and disinfecting high-touch surfaces are two of the best ways to defend against spreading the coronavirus. Furthermore, Jennifer Stockburger, director of operations at Consumer Reports’ Auto Test Center, notes that, if anyone who has entered a vehicle shows symptoms of the virus (i.e., fever, dry cough), then repair shops need to clean frequently touched surfaces such as:
- steering wheels
- door handles
- shift levers
- the dashboard
- turn signal stalks
- seat adjusters
Meanwhile, the Edoxi Training Institute in India recently compiled an infographic designed to help businesses take necessary steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in their workplace. The educational training center suggested that businesses like auto repair facilities take steps such as the following:
- Restrict employee travel.
- Implement mandatory reporting of exposure to COVID-19.
- Require employees to self-quarantine if they’re exposed to the virus.
- Consider reducing hours to limit the spread of the virus.