Aug. 25, 2017—The Coalition for Future Mobility—a growing coalition of twelve transportation, passenger safety, and consumer interest stakeholders—urged the passage of federal self-driving vehicle legislation now before Congress.
HR 3388, the Self Drive Act, unanimously passed the U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee late last month; companion action awaits introduction in the Senate in September.
"This Congress has a tremendous opportunity to accelerate the deployment of automated technologies to save lives, reduce traffic congestion, reduce fuel use and carbon emissions, expand personal mobility and meet our nation's current and future infrastructure, environmental and economic challenges," the group said in a statement.
The coalition continued, "The list of benefits automation can provide touch every angle of personal mobility. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, 35,092 people died in traffic crashes in 2015, and 94 percent of all crashes include human error as a factor. Highly Automated Vehicles (HAVs) and related technologies can help address crashes related to human error."
For 2015, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that nearly 14,000 lives were saved due to seat belts, and an additional 2,500 saved by the deployment of front air bags. In the future, we could see NHTSA estimating the thousands of lives saved by HAV technologies.
Members of the Coalition include: The Alliance for Transportation Innovation, the American Highway Users Alliance (AHUA), the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), the Auto Alliance, the Automotive Service Association (ASA), Global Automakers, Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association, the National Cued Speech Association, the National Federation of the Blind, Securing America's Future Energy, Segs4Vets and 60 Plus.