More than 60 people attended the Collision Industry Legal Seminar conducted by Ray Gunder, Bret Geohagan (legal counsel for Gunder's Auto Center) and Barrett Smith of Auto Damage Experts on April 16.
The event in Lakeland Fla., attracted repairers from as far away as Oregon, Minnesota and New York.
"Based upon the reports we received throughout the day, they were encouraged with the information shared by Ray Gunder, Bret Geohagan and Barrett Smith. In a poll taken during the initial introductions, the one re-occurring motivation for most everyone's attendance was to learn how to regain control of their business and its profitability," Smith said.
"From discussions during the meeting and during breaks, the State Farm Parts Procurement program seemed to be one of the straws straining the camel's back and collision repairers Œare mad as heck and are not going to take it anymore' and are seeking alternative methods of operating their businesses,'" said Ray Gunder.
"We were asked by many in attendance if we could "take the show on the road'" said Smith,"and in discussing with Ray and Brent, while humbled, we agreed that if there was enough interest in any given market to arrange the travel and accommodations, we would gladly consider sharing the message with others. There's a significant thirst for this knowledge as industry professionals are just plain tired of the status quo and struggling to keep their businesses viable."