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Lobsiger: The Four Stages to Freedom  

May 20, 2024
With time and strategic planning, you can reach the point of managing your shop from afar. But you must learn from folks smarter than you.

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Lobsiger: Building a Waste-Free Repair, Part 3

March 13, 2024
With this final installment, we explore the processes you need to capture needed repairs and procedures.
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Bryant: Maintain Standards with Phone Call Audits

Feb. 16, 2024
How incoming and outgoing calls are answered and handled can make or break your customer experience.
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Lobsiger: Building a Waste-Free Repair, Part 2

Feb. 15, 2024
Implement written processes and visual systems for blueprinting to reduce additional steps.
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Menefee: A Lesson in Handling an Unruly Customer

Feb. 14, 2024
The toughest client can test a shop owner's patience. Could you or your team members benefit from customer service training?
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Bryant: Coexisting with Market Juggernauts

Jan. 25, 2024
Instead of viewing new-car dealers as competition, why not see them as potential partners?
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Menefee: Handing Over the Reins

Jan. 18, 2024
Give your staff the freedom to spread their wings and implement all you've taught them
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Lobsiger: Building a Waste-Free Repair: Part 1

Jan. 16, 2024
Blueprinting is one component of lean that can help you create more value with less effort and resources

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