A new bill urging members of Congress to advocate a "more sensible approach to improving vehicle fuel economy" has gained the support of the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA).
"H.R. 2927 calls for stringent fuel economy improvements, but it recognizes a distinct difference between cars and light trucks," says Bob McKenna, MEMA president and CEO. "In the long run, this bill will do a better job of balancing improved fuel economy and preserving jobs nationwide."
McKenna notes that auto suppliers already account for nearly two-thirds of the value of a new vehicle and represent about 40 percent of total automotive research and development investment. The supplier industry has also born the brunt of downturns in the auto industry with 30 of the largest suppliers having filed for bankruptcy protection in recent years.
"Now is not the time to pick winners and losers in the technology battle by setting unrealistic timelines that cannot be met," McKenna adds.
Suppliers are already working with auto companies on a wide range of fuel-saving technologies, from bio-fuels to clean diesels to fuel cells, McKenna says. "The standards in H.R. 2927 will provide suppliers with sufficient time to bring these technologies to the marketplace while still providing consumers with the vehicles they need and want."
McKenna commends Representatives Baron Hill (D-Ind.) and Lee Terry (R-Neb.), principal sponsors of the bill, for bringing the legislation forward. "MEMA looks forward to working with Representatives Hill and Terry and others in Congress in the weeks ahead to develop realistic energy policies that reach tough fuel economy targets while protecting the U.S. economy," he says.
More information about this legislative action is available online.