The Collision Repair Education Foundation’s career fair for Orlando, Fla., has been set for Thursday, March 10 as the organization continues its efforts to bridge the gap between high school and college collision students and entry-level industry employment.
The event will be taking place at the PPG Business Development Center in Kissimmee and industry companies seeking to meet greater Orlando area collision students are invited to participate.
Over 250 local collision students from 7 schools have already RSVP’d for the event and sponsorship funds raised during this, and other career events, are utilized by the Education Foundation to ensure high school and college are graduating qualified and productive entry-level employees.
“PPG is proud to support the Collision Repair Education Foundation and their efforts to assist the future professionals of the industry,” said Domenic Brusco, PPG Automotive Refinish, senior manager, industry relations. “We look forward to hosting this career fair for the greater Orlando area collision students and help introduce them to collision industry employers.”
Collision Repair Education Foundation Director of Development Brandon Eckenrode noted, “We look forward to bringing our traveling collision career fair to the greater Orlando market in March and bring together hundreds of high school and college collision repair students and local industry employers. We would like to thank PPG for hosting this event and their continued support of the Education Foundation.”
Industry companies that are looking to meet entry-level collision students for employment consideration during this event should contact Education Foundation Director of Development Brandon Eckenrode at 847.463.5244 or [email protected].