AASP/NJ President Jeff McDowell may not be a golfer himself, but enjoys the nature of the event, and looks forward to hosting it each year. "It's a great opportunity to relax, play some golf and get out of the shop for awhile," he says. "We're all in good company, in good spirits, and everyone enjoys it tremendously." Executive Director Charles Bryant puts the event together every year, and says, "This Outing allows our members and our vendors a chance to forget about business for a little while, which is what we all need sometimes. Plus, it's for an outstanding cause. Lou would've loved this." Registration for the Lou Scoras Memorial Golf Outing starts at 10am with lunch served at 11:30am, followed by a shotgun start at 1pm. The tournament will end with a cash bar, dinner and prizes. Registration forms for participants and sponsors for this year's Golf Outing are available at www.aaspnj.org, or contact Charles Bryant at (732) 922-8909 for more information. For more information on the NORTHEAST® Automotive Services Show, please visit www.aaspnjnortheast.com To learn more about AASP/NJ, please visit aaspnj.org.
For the thirteenth consecutive year, the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers of New Jersey (AASP/NJ) will pay tribute to beloved former Board member Lou Scoras with their annual golf outing in his name. This year's event will be held in just one week--Monday, September 18th, at the Colonia Country Club in Colonia, NJ. The Outing not only honors Scoras' memory, but also raises money for a scholarship that aims to inspire and engage the next generation of automotive technicians.