Sept. 29, 2020—GMG EnviroSafe, an environmental health and safety authority for the automotive industry, has launched HealthAssure, a comprehensive communicable disease prevention plan.
HealthAssure was developed in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is designed to protect staff, customers, and businesses from the coronavirus. The customizable program includes on-site assessments in which interactions are monitored, physical spaces are examined to determine safe social distancing practices, and advice is given on how to handle any health-related situation.
According to a press release put out by GMG EnviroSafe, "With HealthAssure, auto facilities will know how to keep their team and customers safe, what to do if an exposure occurs, how to properly report an illness, and also receive management and employee training."
HealthAssure was launched just this month and is available to auto repair-related businesses throughout the U.S.