Following on the heels of the German-engineered Rodcraft pneumatic tool brand’s successful U.S. debut in May, the brand has inked a six-month exclusivity deal through a select U.S. distributor with the Independent Mobile Tool Distributor Association (IMTDA). This agreement with Rodcraft gives IMTDA’s nationwide membership a significant marketing advantage, and it provides Rodcraft with a mobile sales force dedicated to growing the brand in the U.S. “We don’t have the buying power to obtain traditional deals from tool distributors in order to run our own promotions, making this deal a unique opportunity to build our own marketing program,” says Brian Tuite, owner of West County Tool & Equipment and secretary of the IMTDA. “Couple the ability to create our own program, with the quality of the Rodcraft line, and we believe that we have something very special and unique to offer our customers.” IMTDA Treasurer Brian Gallagher began conducting market research on the Rodcraft line earlier this year in preparation for this launch. “I field tested the Rodcraft impact wrenches through a few customers, even a couple who work in junkyards tearing down chassis components,” says Gallagher, who owns Iron Man Tools in Savannah, Ga. “I told them to abuse the tools, not to oil them, or maintain them at all, and seven months later the tools are still running strong.” This exclusive deal with Rodcraft provides a sense of credibility that IMTDA members have been seeking. In a business environment in which independent jobbers must compete for sales against more well-supported competitors, the ability to sell a professional-grade line of tools that the competition cannot access is a real benefit, according to the company. “We’re excited that Rodcraft is giving us this opportunity to prove ourselves and providing us with tools that we can sell with confidence,” adds Gallagher. “I know my customers can’t get these tools from another mobile source, and I can feel confident selling Rodcraft because we’ve had the tool in the market for seven months and have had no problems.” For more information, visit or