It’s time to “Get Dirty with Kenny” and this year, Kenny Schrader is bringing along his friends, Kevin Byrd and Willie B., the hosts of the Federated-sponsored SPEED show “Two Guys Garage.” Kenny and the Two Guys will be taping a special on-location episode of “Two Guys Garage” as Federated entertains the winners of this exclusive Federated Car Care promotion.
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“We want to thank the Two Guys for joining Kenny to host our annual ‘Get Dirty with Kenny’ Federated Car Care promotion,” said Phil Moore, senior vice president of Federated Auto Parts. “It will be great to have them with us for the weekend of fun, and as an added bonus, the ‘Get Dirty’ winners may be part of a future episode of ‘Two Guys Garage.’ I have warned Kevin and Willie B. that Kenny Schrader takes no prisoners when it comes to dirt track racing, so they better be prepared on race day. With all this excitement, we know our winners will have the time of their lives.”
The annual “Get Dirty with Kenny” dirt track driving extravaganza will again take place this year at the Federated Auto Parts I-55 Raceway in Pevely, Mo. outside of St. Louis. Winners of this Federated Car Care promotion will receive the opportunity to race with NASCAR driver and dirt track legend Schrader as well as get a behind the scenes look at the racing business. To be eligible to win a chance to “Get Dirty with Kenny and the Two Guys,” a shop must be enrolled as a Federated Car Care Center member by June 1, 2013. All Federated Car Care Center members in good standing are automatically registered to earn a chance to win an all-expense paid trip.
The Federated Car Care Center program is one of the fastest growing, complete support programs for some of the nation’s finest automotive service providers. To become a Federated Car Care Center member or for more information, contact your local Federated Auto Parts distributor.
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