I-CAR premiered its new live demo course, Blueprinting Process and Damage Discovery (BLU01), during the Technology Showcase at NACE.
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I-CAR said the course demonstrates its commitment to increased student interaction in the classroom and uses an actual vehicle to demonstrate technique while engaging students in the learning process.
Rich Southerland of ALLDATA attended the Thursday premiere of the course and said, “This is the best I- CAR class I’ve attended. I couldn’t imagine how this would not benefit any tech or shop employee.”
The course led students beyond the disassembly of damaged parts to help them uncover hidden damage that can impact the repair process and provided a number of demonstrations, including quick checks and implementation tips. Students who attended the course gained an understanding of the definition of the blueprinting process and how the process can help improve repair quality through a standardized approach to collision repair planning.
For more information on the new course visit the I-CAR website. The course will officially premiere on October 29, 2012.