Engine Rebuilders Council to co-host new remanufacturing section at AAPEX
The Engine Rebuilders Council (ERC) will co-host the 8,000-square-foot Remanufacturing Section, along with the Motor & Equipment Remanufacturers Association (MERA) at the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo (AAPEX), Oct. 30 to Nov.1. This new section will be centrally located on the main show floor and will focus on the economic, environmental and product performance benefits of remanufactured motor vehicle components.
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ERC will also co-sponsor an engine repower demonstration area along with AERA, PERA and MAHLE Clevite Inc. that will feature live engine rebuilding demonstrations by Hendrick Motorsports technicians, as well as information on the benefits of repowered engines. Demonstrations will occur twice daily, at 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 30 - Nov.1.
“We are honored to co-host the new Remanufacturing Section as well as co-sponsor the engine repower demonstrations at AAPEX,” said Ken Carter, chairman of the Engine Rebuilders Council. “These two new featured areas will allow us to meet with the industry first-hand to further educate members about the many economic and environmental benefits provided by a remanufactured/rebuilt engine.”
For more information about the Engine Rebuilders Council, visit www.enginerebuilder.org or www.facebook.com/EngineRebuildersCouncil.
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