I-CAR premieres intro to collision repair online training series
The Intro to Collision Repair Series is designed for roles such as entry-level technicians and appraisers, front office staff, customer service reps, sales staff, call center agents, and Voc Tech students. Repair Shops, Insurance Carriers, Suppliers, OEMs, Service Providers and Voc Tech Schools are sure to find this new I-CAR curriculum value-adding to their unique industry knowledge requirements.
The Intro Series includes a set of 14 one-hour online courses that cover topics such as vehicle parts terminology; mechanical repair terms and vehicle protection; tools, equipment and attachment methods; and collision repair process overview.
The Intro Series is customizable to a business and staff members can take all the courses or only the ones they need. Upon purchase, the courses remain in the trainee’s secure online myI-CAR account, available whenever a quick refresher is needed.
As a result of completing the courses, individuals will have the knowledge needed to understand certain aspects of collision repair technology, more clearly explain the collision repair process to customers, reduce customer hold time and call transfers, field customer questions about vehicle repairs, and efficiently interact with customers.
“Efficiency is key to running a successful business and ensuring that your team has a solid understanding of the basics of the collision repair process can benefit a business in several areas,” said John S. Van Alstyne, I-CAR CEO & President. “Training from the Intro Series empowers non-technical staff to interact with customers more confidently and will allow them to continue providing value in their role at a collision repair business. ” I-CAR is offering special introductory pricing, 30% off the total purchase price of the entire set of 14 courses.
Introductory pricing is available through July 30, 2012. To place an order and to determine eligibility for the discount, visit the I-CAR website at www.i-car.com or contact I-CAR Customer Care at 800.422.7872 or [email protected]. com.