A new series of educational videos providing information and
training on proper diagnostic techniques and procedures to
repair an automotive fuel-related job is now available online
from the Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council (FPMC) of the
Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA).
"The Council's purpose in producing the videos is to educate
key 'front line' personnel in the automotive aftermarket:
counter professionals at jobber stores and repair professionals
at independent service facilities," said Steve Handschuh,
president and COO of AASA.
The AASA Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council videos provide counter
personnel with information regarding acceptable returns for
fuel pumps warranties. Aftermarket repair professionals will
learn proper diagnostic techniques and procedures to repair a
fuel-related job and tips for preventing unnecessary returns.
The FPMC videos are available to view for free and are
accessible at the council's Web site,
"The videos cover very specific issues that can have a direct
impact on the number of warranty returns across the industry,"
noted Jeff Richardson, product manager fuel and light vehicle
engine, Federal-Mogul Corp., and 2011 FPMC chairman. "Council
members devoted many volunteer hours to craft the videos'
content to ensure the messages are clear, targeted and
Subjects addressed in the AASA Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council
videos include:
- The industry challenge of excessive fuel system
component returns
- Acceptable and non-acceptable returns
- How to ensure right pumps and additional parts are sold
for the right job
- Fuel system and fuel pump diagnostic procedures
- Repair procedures
- Fuel tank cleaning techniques
The AASA FPMC worked closely with Automotive Video Inc.,
Fort Myers, Fla., to produce the videos.
For more informationvisit www.fuelpumpinfo.org.