Registration is now open for the University of the Aftermarket's line up of 15 new online Distance Learning courses for Spring Semester.
Each course is offered in a convenient, flexible, Web-based environment that enables busy aftermarket professionals to continue their progress toward an AAP (Automotive Aftermarket Professional) or MAAP (Master Automotive Aftermarket Professional) designation. The deadline for registration is Jan 3, 2011.
These semester-long courses are led by Northwood University faculty and cover a wide range of business, management and leadership topics of interest to aftermarket professionals. Successful completion of the course awards 3.0 CEUs.
Although University of the Aftermarket students are not required to take exams, they must participate in the class. In order to receive CEU credit, participants must complete all readings and materially participate in all on-line discussions (log-in and participate in on-line discussions at least 3 or 4 times per week). Additoinally, participants must complete all assignments. Grades are assessed as Pass/Non Pass (“C” or better is considered a Pass).
Courses now available for registration are:
Session I: January 10 – March 6, 2011 (8 weeks)
AMM 1100 Introduction to Automotive & Heavy Duty Aftermarket
ECN 2210 Principles of Microeconmics
ECN 3000 International Trade
MKT 2080 Principles of Marketing
MKT 3000 E-Commerce
PHL 4100 Philosophy of American Enterprise
Session II: March 14 – May 6, 2011 (8 weeks)AMM 2050 Automotive Retail and Wholesale Management
AMM 4040 Aftermarket Field Sales Management
ECN 2220 Principles of Macroeconomics
MGT 4250 Principles of Management
MGT 4800 Strategic Management
MKT 2080 Principles of Marketing
MKT 3450 Logistics
PHL 4100 Philosophy of American Enterprise
SOC 3450 Culture of Leadership
For detailed course descriptions and to register for a course, please visit the “Course Calendar” page at