Vehicle Design Incorporates Aging Drivers
TORRANCE, CA (Sept. 17, 2007) - Statistically speaking, American drivers are getting older. But instead of cursing the old guy that signals a left turn all the way from Flagstaff to Albuquerque, some researchers are working on ways to better understand aging and helping older drivers function more efficiently. Toyota-funded research at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University has focused on understanding how eyesight, hearing and reaction time diminish with age to make vehicle systems friendlier to elderly drivers. Here are some of the study's suggestions: Visibility is key * Displays should be large, with big lettering and graphics. * Displays and markings should have a high level of contrast. * Narrower light wavelengths are more visible. * For better legibility, ambient lighting should be controlled. Being Heard * Sound frequencies below 2000 Hz are best. * Louder sound levels are needed to overcome road noise. * High-frequency sounds and shorter time intervals between sounds communicate greater urgency.(Source: Toyota)
Vehicle Design Incorporates Aging Drivers
TORRANCE, CA (Sept. 17, 2007) - Statistically speaking, American drivers are getting older. But instead of cursing the old guy that signals a left turn all the way from Flagstaff to Albuquerque, some researchers are working on ways to better understand aging and helping older drivers function more efficiently. Toyota-funded research at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University has focused on understanding how eyesight, hearing and reaction time diminish with age to make vehicle systems friendlier to elderly drivers. Here are some of the study's suggestions: Visibility is key * Displays should be large, with big lettering and graphics. * Displays and markings should have a high level of contrast. * Narrower light wavelengths are more visible. * For better legibility, ambient lighting should be controlled. Being Heard * Sound frequencies below 2000 Hz are best. * Louder sound levels are needed to overcome road noise. * High-frequency sounds and shorter time intervals between sounds communicate greater urgency.(Source: Toyota)