Leadership 2.0 is the premier post-graduate style leadership and business skills education program designed to promote the development of the next generation of auto care leaders. The intensive program is an intellectually-challenging, two-week course that features top aftermarket executive speakers and the opportunity for discussion and debate about current aftermarket challenges and competitive strategies.
The program is appropriate for mid-level professionals working in any auto care industry market segment. Graduates of the Leadership 2.0 program receive 7.0 CEUs toward their AAP and MAAP designations.
Session I will be held Aug. 12-17, 2018 at the Northwood University campus in Midland, Mich. Session II will be held March 10-15, 2019 in Raleigh, N.C.
An application and full criteria of all materials needed for consideration can be found at the links below.
Scholarship Information and Application
Deadline to apply: May 1, 2018
Questions? Please contact Courtney Hammer.
Import Vehicle Community
Scholarship Information and Application
Deadline to apply: April 24, 2018
Question? Please contact Angela Chiang.
Applicants must be YANG or Import Vehicle Community members and current Auto Care Association members in good standing.
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