The Foundation has identified 100 schools in 23 states in need of new floor coatings. A complete list of schools is available online at: The list includes the cost to adopt a school to provide the epoxy coatings necessary to refinish the floors in the collision repair work space. The schools will apply the coating over the summer while school is not in session. Sponsoring companies will be recognized on a banner presented to the school. The Foundation plans to continue the effort during the winter break and help additional schools. “Collision repair training programs compete with other skilled trades for the next generation of employees. Improving the appearance of high school and college collision schools reflects the professionalism of the collision industry and improves the quality of students seeking pre-employment training,” said Brandon Eckenrode, director of development for the Collision Repair Education Foundation. “Improving the image of our school programs will benefit the industry that is increasingly viewed as a high technology, high growth career field. Industry members interested in joining the Collision Repair Education Foundation’s supporters, and assisting high school and post-secondary collision school programs and students should contact Director of Development Brandon Eckenrode at (312) 231-0258 or [email protected].
The Collision Repair Education Foundation announced it launch a program this summer to provide 100 collision repair schools with new flooring. The #100Floors75Days project seeks to build relationships between the local collision industry and their collision repair schools by providing the materials necessary to refinish the schools floors during the summer break. The freshly refinished floors will increase the professional appearance of school collision programs, helping to attract students to careers in the collision industry.