I-CAR,® the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair, today announced the launch of Get to Gold Class, an all-inclusive package customized for shops working toward I-CAR Gold Class® recognition.
The new Get to Gold Class package features a customized training prescription based on shop size and existing knowledge-base, turnover protection considerations, flexible payment options and discounts, and a simplified “one-stop” enrollment process.
“Gold Class represents the highest levels of training commitment in the industry – training that has become increasingly critical amid an era of advanced vehicle repairs, including Advanced Driver Assisted Systems (ADAS) and Hybrid and EV (Electric Vehicle) considerations,” said Nick Notte, Senior Vice President, I-CAR Sales & Marketing. “Our goal in developing this program is to provide more cost-effective measures and to create a guided experience for shops who want to achieve Gold Class.”
Highlights of the Get to Gold Class Package include:
An In-Shop Knowledge Assessment that provides a customized package for your shop.
Pricing scaled to reflect the size of a shop’s technician base and their training history.
Turnover protection considerations: if a technician leaves, Get to Gold Class shops receive live, online and virtual training for a replacement technician at no extra cost.
Flexible pay-in-full or monthly payment options.
Streamlined, one-stop enrollment, with one I-CAR customer care representative managing all elements of a shop’s Get to Gold Class process.
- Automatic enrollment in I-CAR’s Training Subscription, upon achieving Gold Class recognition.
“We continue to lean on all segments of the industry to identify real-time solutions and opportunities to bring critical collision repair education to shops, said Nick Notte, Senior Vice President, I-CAR Sales & Marketing. “In particular, we thank I-CAR’s new Member Council participants for ideas and insights in making “Get to Gold Class” a reality.
Notte explained that Get to Gold Class is ideal for both shops in the process of achieving Gold Class, and for those that are not currently training but are ready to commit to receiving high standards of education, professionalism and quality.
“It’s all part of I-CAR’s quest to deliver laser-focused, relevant educational solutions now in a more convenient, straightforward way.”
For complete details of I-CAR’s Get to Gold Class Package, please visit www.i-car.com.