Russell Thrall III

Russell, a second-generation collision repairer, has experienced the shop from the bottom up, starting as a clean up person and working his way to assistant manager by age 17. Thrall joined the staff of Chilton's Automotive Body Repair News in 1991 as technical editor and as senior editor in 1992. From 1993 through 2000, Thrall served as editor of Collision Repair Industry INSIGHT. Thrall returned to the staff of ABRN in June 2000 as editor-in-chief of the industry's largest monthly trade magazine. Thrall was a frequent speaker at industry events including the Collision Industry Conference (CIC), NACE, and numerous other local and regional events. He served as co-chairman of the Collision Industry Conference Electronic Commerce committee and is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Auto Body Council.


In the same boat

Jan. 1, 2020
We can only hope that the misdeeds fostering a negative image of the collision repair industry are committed only by a minority of people. I believe this is true.

A tumultuous time

Jan. 1, 2020
No matter what the outcome of the suit in Texas, and any future legislation, Allstate will find itself expending enormous resources in an attempt to defend its investment and ...

Another Black Eye

Jan. 1, 2020
For the third winter in a row, CBS News has given the collision repair industry a black eye through incomplete reporting on its evening newscasts

Increased Divisiveness

Jan. 1, 2020
Insurer-owned shop legislation one sign of growing divisiveness between many shops and the insurance industry