Michael Lippman, Concept Manager for the Bosch
Service network at Robert Bosch, LLC, has
announced a new banner
advertising campaign promoting the 1,500-plus
Bosch Service centers
throughout North America.
This new online advertising campaign has been
carefully crafted to enable
motorists to learn about the network of Bosch-
certified repair shops, and
quickly and easily locate and contact the
nearest authorized Bosch
Service center. Banner ads will appear on
popular automotive and
general-interest websites, in online forums and
discussion groups, and
other Internet-based venues. Placements will
focus on online media
visited most frequently by those who make
purchase decisions for car
repair and maintenance.
The banner ads will direct readers to www.BoschService.com, the
website for the Bosch Service center program.
This site details the
extensive criteria that independent repair
shops must meet to qualify as
authorized Bosch Service centers. These
criteria include requirements for
thoroughly trained technicians, specific types
of diagnostic and service
equipment, good business practices, clean and
comfortable customer
waiting areas, and more.
The launch of this online banner advertising
campaign complements the
Bosch Service group's new presence on both Facebook and Twitter.
Michael Lippman explained the strategy behind
these new initiatives. "Our
research has shown that consumers are
increasingly relying on social
media and Internet sites when making any kind
of purchase decision," he
said. "This includes critical decisions about
finding and selecting a
highly-qualified car repair provider."
According to Lippman, "While our Internet
presence enables us to promote
the outstanding credentials of our Bosch
Service-certified shops it also
allows us to offer special advantages to our
online customers. Fast,
efficient shop locators help customers to find
the nearest authorized
Bosch Service center quickly and easily. This
is especially helpful for
travelers when they break down away from home.
They can use their smart
phone to access our website and locate the
closest Bosch Service shop."
"Bosch is on the cutting edge of automotive
diagnosis and repair, so it
is only natural that we should likewise be on
the cutting edge of
communications technology, reaching our
customers where they spend the
most time. Our online banner advertising
campaign is further evidence of
our commitment to a network of centers that
provides convenient and
competent automotive service. It also
represents the creative ways we
support our Bosch authorized shops and work to
attract customers and help
support their businesses," Lippman said.
Bosch is a proud supporter of the Automotive
Aftermarket Suppliers
Association's Know Your Parts® education and
awareness campaign. This
initiative promotes the importance of quality
brand name aftermarket
parts backed by full service suppliers, and its
impact on delivering
reliable products to today's motorists. For
more information visit:
For more information on Bosch Service, visit www.BoschService.com or
visit Facebook or Twitter.