Your consumer customers who plan to tune up their vehicles between now and Aug. 31, 2010, can receive up to $20 in cash rebates when they choose any of a variety of popular Champion® spark plugs through Federal-Mogul Corporation’s “Smart Choice” trade and consumer campaign.
The Smart Choice campaign reinforces the message that longer lasting, better performing replacement products are the best option for consumers who are retaining their vehicles rather than buying new ones, according to the manufacturer. A regular maintenance schedule featuring periodic vehicle tune-ups can help reduce emissions and increase fuel economy.
Throughout the promotional period, consumers who purchase premium Champion Iridium spark plugs can activate a $2.50 cash rebate per plug by visiting Federal-Mogul’s online program headquarters.
Customers purchasing Champion Double Platinum™ Power or Platinum Power™ spark plugs can activate a $1.50-per-plug rebate, while Champion Copper Plus™ plugs are available with a 50-cent rebate per plug.
(Rebate limit of eight purchased spark plugs and $20; see for program details.)