An upcoming series of television spots with an “Our Planet” theme featuring the tire recycling efforts of Magnum D’Or Resources and highlighting the benefits of products created from scrap rubber are to be aired on CNN Headline News, the Fox Business Network, Discovery Channel, CNN, MSNBC and the Regional News Network.
Magnum is currently finalizing the editing.
“This series will feature an array of next-generation products, compounds, production filming at the Magnum plant and exclusive interviews,” according to Joseph Glusic, president and CEO. “Magnum is focused on bringing its products to the global market at an accelerated pace.”
The company is also taking out a full-page advertisement in the Official 2010 NASCAR RacingOne Annual Publication.
The circuit’s programs are distributed to more than 4.5 million attendees at 55 races in addition to being available at newsstands and retailers in prime NASCAR markets.
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