CustomerLink has launched a new Web site design and hosting service. CustomerLink Web sites are customized with personalized, shop specific domain names, extensive information about the shop including services offered, car care tips, online appointment scheduling and personalized e-mail addresses for the shop staff. Its design technology ensures pages load quickly and that sites are easy to navigate. And the company says the service is competitively priced. CustomerLink is using industry technology to ensure maximum reliability, accessibility and security for Web site customers. CustomerLink says it has a team of in-house information technology and design experts dedicated to ensure the Web sites best reflect the shops’ businesses in ways that will assist them in building revenue. “Based on feedback we’ve received from our customers and other service centers in the market, we believe our website offering is more appropriate for today’s shops and their vehicle owner customers than anything else available in the aftermarket,” says Walt Samuelson, CustomerLink’s president and CEO. “We’ve built our reputation on providing automotive service professionals with the most flexible, customized and personalized marketing communication tools in the industry. Our Web site offering is a natural and timely expansion of the CustomerLink services that can help a shop increase repeat service visits, build loyalty, and as a result shop revenues and profits.” |