I-CAR® today launched 13 new courses as additions to its Electrical & Diagnostic curriculum. These courses were developed in response to the collision repair industry’s need to understand both the why and the how of diagnostics.
As the technology in vehicles has increased, identifying the required repair has become more complex. Modern diagnostic tools help but technicians still need training to know when and how to use them. And, with potentially as many as 100 diagnostic trouble codes (DTC), understanding the information that is related to the current repair requires up-to-date knowledge and experience.
These new courses will help determine the best approach for diagnostics and train technicians, estimators, and appraisers on implementing proper diagnostics techniques and procedures for complete, safe, and quality repairs. They will cover:
- Diagnostics, repair, and calibration of electronic systems
- Mechanical access, diagnostics, and repair
- Vehicle communication network identification
“If you haven’t incorporated collision repair diagnostics into your repair process already, it’s time,” said Josh McFarlin, I-CAR director of curriculum and product development. “Technicians need these courses to get up to speed on diagnostics methods and technologies. I-CAR works with OEMs and diagnostics tool providers to ensure we get the best information out to the industry.”
These new courses are available today. To register for these new Electrical and Diagnostic courses and information on I-CAR’s full training portfolio, visit www.i-car.com.