The Database Enhancement Gateway, also known as the DEG, is an initiative developed to help improve the quality and accuracy of collision repair estimates, through proactive feedback from the collision repair industry and other "end users" to the Information Providers (IPs) that supply the databases for the various estimating products. The DEG is created, equally funded and maintained by the Automotive Service Association (ASA), the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers (AASP) and the Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS).
Below is the latest blog from DEG Administrator Art Harris:
Before starting a repair or even an estimate, I know some shops wash or clean the vehicle beforehand. This operation is not included in CCC so time would need to be manually entered for compensation. Below is a DEG inquiry on washing a vehicle:
DEG Inquiry Number 6948
Issue Summary
Looking for data and documentation on cleaning a vehicle prior to repairs. Trying to justify a cleaning after tear down and before actual repairs are performed. We are cleaning just about every vehicle and would like to justify the time on an estimate. Not trying to get paid for a detail that we do at the end of a job as a customer courtesy, just the time we spend cleaning it for repair.
Procedure Steps
Clean and wash inside and out. Soap wash repair and blend panels.
Suggested Action
Just looking for info or documents justifying time spent
CCC Response
Estimated Release Date: Closed
Proposed Resolution: MOTOR stated:
After review, we have determined that “cleaning of a vehicle” prior to the start of the repair is not included with any labor operation. Cleaning the vehicle prior to the start of the repair process is a business decision that is best left up to the repair facility.
No changes required.