Sherwin-Williams to host Estimating Solutions for Profit course in Austin
Jan. 1, 2020
Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes has announced Austin, Texas will be the site of its next A-Plus™ Network University EcoLean™ Suite of Training Course Offerings, featuring its ‘Estimating Solutions for Profit’ class to be held on July 9, 2013, at the Fairfield Inn.
The ‘Estimating Solutions for Profit’ class is targeted at collision repair facility owners, managers, estimators, and customer service representatives who are interested in improving their closing ratio and creating loyal customers. Designed to meet the challenges collision repair facilities face in today’s economic climate, participants in the innovative class will learn how to close more sales and increase business at the front end of the body shop.
“Collision repair facilities need to utilize the powerful principles of lean production to help increase both their productivity and profit margins within their shop,” says Troy Neuerburg, Director of Sales Excellence at Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes. “Lean collision repair shops understand that it is imperative they learn to write and negotiate more profitable estimates; it is the first, and one of the most necessary steps, in remaining competitive in the collision repair marketplace.”
Built by leading collision repair industry professionals ‘Estimating Solutions for Profit’ focuses on critical profit areas of importance to a successful collision facility:
. The Estimate “Blueprint” for Profit
. Negotiate to “Win”
. The Real Use of “P-Pages”
. How to Get Paid For What You Do
. ‘Non-included’ Items
. Managing P&M for Profit
. Effectively Communicate with Insurance Companies
To register for the upcoming Austin, Texas A-Plus University EcoLean Suite of Training course, ‘Estimating Solutions for Profit’, contact Cameron Wagner at (512) 619.5675. Or, please call the A-Plus Network, call (800) 798.5872.