VISION 2013 launches 21st century 'Train the Trainer' program

Jan. 1, 2020
Organizers of the 2013 VISION Hi Tech Training and Expo announce the final schedule for the event’s Educator Think Tank series of training.

Organizers of the 2013 VISION Hi Tech Training and Expo announce the final schedule for the event’s Educator Think Tank series of training. This educator-focused series of sessions is designed to provide today’s high school, votech/career and college instructors with 21st century skills, resources and teaching methods to train the service industry workforce of tomorrow.

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“VISION’s commitment to ‘train the trainer’ continually places it ahead of the learning curve,” says Tim Dwyer, an automotive technology instructor at Oklahoma State University’s Institute of Technology. “I’m excited to be part of this year’s Think Tank program. Teaching in the 21st century requires new skills, and VISION’s Think Tank delivers three information-packed days of new ideas that can help instructors deliver dynamic training in today’s ‘Information Age.’” Dwyer will be presenting two sessions at this year’s Think Tank: “Flipping and Switching,” which looks at innovative methods for engaging students, and “Team-Based Learning: Beyond Small Groups,” which examines methods to inspire students to embrace the curriculum content so they can move to the hands-on learning they desire.

The 2013 Educator Think Tank kicks off on Friday, March 8, with 10 sessions dedicated to the special needs of career and college instructors, tackling subjects from classroom presence to 21st century teaching methods. Saturday’s program offers another full day of sessions, and the program wraps up on Sunday morning with “Enhancing Your Program’s Viability / Does Funding Make a Program.”

This four-hour session, led by Dick Kreiger and Rick Escalambre, looks at the relationship between instructors and school administrators. It discusses how vocational programs can be creative and relevant, driving enthusiasm throughout the organization and improving the connections between staffers and educators.

“The Educator Think Tank is a critical component to this year’s VISION program,” says Sheri Hamilton, ASA MoKan executive director and VISION show manager. “Automotive service educators today face a twofold challenge: Rapidly changing vehicle technologies and an education system in the midst of transformation. VISION’s Educator Think Tank will provide those trainers with new skills to help bring valuable content and resources to the industry’s future workerforce.”

Course schedules and descriptions, the event agenda and full downloadable brochre, as well as registration forms are all available at the 2013 VISION Hi Tech Training and Expo website at

Early-bird registration discounts offer significant savings for attendees through Jan. 31; online and mail-in registration is open now for the 2013 VISION Hi Tech Training and Expo. In addition, packages for the full event, weekend-only and Thursday or Friday single-day attendance, as well as a la carte additional events and guest passes, maximize scheduling flexibility for all participants. Registration for individual courses will be available Feb. 15.

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