The PPG Industries Foundation awarded the Collision Repair Education Foundation a $20,000 grant that will provide named post-secondary collision student scholarships.
Like this article? Sign up to receive our weekly news blasts here.The scholarships will be part of the Education Foundation’s spring 2013 offerings of collision student focused support, totaling more than $300,000 in opportunities, and will greatly assist collision students with financial barriers faced during their technical education.
“PPG is privileged to take an active role in supporting the industry’s future professionals through these scholarships,” said Domenic Brusco, PPG Automotive Refinish senior manager, industry relations, and Collision Repair Education Foundation Board of Trustees member. “By providing collision repair students with support for the best technical education possible, we are giving collision repair businesses a chance to hire well-trained students who can be productive, efficient and capable employees from day one of the job. PPG is happy to offer these opportunities and continue its strong relationship with the Collision Repair Education Foundation.”
Collision Repair Education Foundation Executive Director Clark Plucinski noted, “PPG Industries has supported the Collision Repair Education Foundation since its 1991 inception, and only through the industry’s active participation can our organization provide worthwhile support to the future professionals of the industry. PPG has continued to meet and exceed that challenge. I thank PPG for its continued support, and we look forward to making a positive impact with students this spring through these scholarships.”
Collision Repair Education Foundation spring 2013 scholarship and tool grant applications will be available online at in early January. For additional questions about the aluminum training grant and/or the Collision Repair Education Foundation, contact Director of Development Brandon Eckenrode at 847.463.5244 or Brandon.Eckenrode@ed-
For more information about the PPG Industries Foundation, visit