Ford Customer Service Division has decided to give a name and face to two of its key brands in order to reach out to its key audiences socially.
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Mike Sanom, or “Motorcraft Mike”, will star in a series of webisodes produced by Ford Motor Company, in order to educate the Do-It-Yourself audience, as well as offer online training to the professional car care technicians.
Sanom, Motorcraft’s Technical Training Manager, regularly travels the country conducting Motorcraft training seminars. The personable Sanom brings a lifetime of automotive insight and knowledge and delivers it in his engaging manner that has made him a popular instructor for 20 years.
The series of videos, which will be released on a monthly basis, will focus on helping the do-it-yourself audience via the Facebook page (, using Sanom and his educational methods to inform consumers of things they should watch out for, how to handle certain situations and to educate them on the benefits of using genuine Ford and Motorcraft parts on their vehicle.
"I help develop the technical training for Ford and Motorcraft that goes out in the field. A lot of the information that the technicians see or that goes out to the training centers is training that I've worked on," Sanom says. "I'd love to tell you that I know all and see all, but the technicians that come to my classes will tell you that if I don't know the correct answer, I won't give them an answer. But because I know the people at Ford Motor Company, right here in Dearborn, I can go to the people that do know the answer. And that information goes directly back into the field, and helps the service technicians fix vehicles."
The do-it-yourself videos try to present the information in an easy-to-understand and lighthearted manner, aiming to educate without getting bogged down in technical jargon and schematics and thus keeping it on a level a general consumer will understand.
The monthly videos released on the Motorcraft Facebook page ( will include topics that Sanom addresses as a Motorcraft trainer in the field. Thus the tone and content will be much more technical, serving as online training intended for the installers, distributors, independent repair shops and other car care technicians.
Other educational content will also be available via both pages, including mailbags, live chats and detailed educational information.
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