3M donates $170,000 in product through Collision Repair Education Foundation
3M has come to the aid of 500 secondary and post-secondary collision programs across the country by donating denibbing kits through the Collision Repair Education Foundation. The donation equals a total retail value of $170,000 and will ease school collision department budgets by providing students the opportunity to work with up-to-date equipment.
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3M Automotive Aftermarket Division Business Development Manager Mark Algie said, “It is a great honor for 3M to be able to help these schools, students, instructors and the Collision Repair Education Foundation with these types of donations. It's a wonderful feeling to know we are having a positive impact on so many lives. We'd like to thank the folks at the Collision Repair Education Foundation for providing this vehicle for 3M to support these schools. It's a true testimony to the fact that working together we can all make a difference.”
Bellingham Technical College Auto Collision Repair Technology Instructor Bruce Evenstad said, “Thank you 3M for the denibbing system kit. The students and I greatly appreciate the donation as it is real helpful for the students to learn how to use this type of equipment in school, prior to entering the industry. It also helps us at the schools to have new up-to-date equipment to use in our classes so that we can use other budgeted funds for other types of equipment and tools.”
Simeon Career Academy Collision Instructor Malcolm Thompson, “On behalf of the students at, Simeon Career Academy thank you for your generous contribution. The students at Simeon Career Academy will benefit from your contribution both now and in the future. In times of limited resources, contributions such as yours make an incredible difference in what’s available to our students.”
Dorchester County Career and Technology Center Auto Collision Repair Instructor Donnie Pearson, “I would like to thank you for the 3M paint denibbing kit. In auto collision repair it is important to properly remove trash and debris from the clear coats. The denibbing kit was very useful in helping students understand the importance of precision work. This is a fine product and it was the first time for me to experience the ease in which the products worked. When it arrived we were just finishing up with our clear coat applications. In today’s shops, most paints are denibbed and buffed to obtain the proper texture to match the rest of the vehicle. The denibbing materials were very useful and my students were able to master the techniques with ease. A few students said they would consider working in a detail shop because of this tool and the materials that came with it. This product was a welcome gift and my students and I thank you very much.”
For additional information about 3M visit www.3mcollision.com. Industry members and companies interested in supporting secondary and post-secondary school’s collision programs through monetary and/or in-kind product donations should contact Associate Director of Development, Brandon Eckenrode at [email protected] or 847-463-5244.
For information on how to donate to programs supported by the Education Foundation visit www.CollisionEducationFoundation.org.