Collision Repair Education Foundation announces 2012 Scholarship winners
Collision Repair Education Foundation Scholarship $5,000 Award Recipient (Secondary) Jonathan Mantey (Dennis Technical Education Center – Boise, ID)
$5,000 Award Recipient (Post-Secondary)
Ryan Flynn (Lincoln College of Technology – Melrose Park, IL)
$2,000 Award Recipients (Secondary)
Jake Ettinger (Rolla Technical Institute – Rolla, MO)
Blake Hassett (Dennis Technical Education Center – Boise, ID)
Dakota Kujat (Tuscola Technology Center – Caro, MI)
$2,000 Award Recipients (Post-Secondary)
Matthew Meyer (Waubonsee Community College – Sugar Grove, IL)
Tan Nguyen (Madison Area Technical College – Madison, WI)
Tyler Perkins (NWTC – Green Bay, WI)
The Collision Repair Education Foundation Scholarship is in its fifth year and is funded by the entire collision industry through the Collision Repair Education Campaign. The Education Foundation Scholarships offer students financial assistance with tuition and other costs associated with their collision education.
Lon Baudoux Legacy Scholarship Recipient ($1,000 award)
Ruslan Lysak (Green River Community College – Auburn, WA)
The Lon Baudoux Legacy Scholarship is in its third year and was created to honor Lon Baudoux, I-CAR Development Manager, who passed away in November 2008. Lon highly valued education, especially for secondary and post-secondary students studying collision repair. This scholarship is funded mainly by I-CAR staff and I-CAR instructors who worked with Lon at I-CAR. The selection of this award is based on a student that not only excels inside the classroom, but also participates in outside activities such as clubs, sports, and volunteering. The funds go to help the student finance his/her education. “This scholarship has special meaning for the Foundation as it represents part of the tie between the Foundation and I-CAR,” said Chris Northup, Chairman of the Collision Repair Education Foundation Board of Trustees. “Lon was a great leader and supporter of education and the enrichment of young people’s lives. The scholarship selection committee takes great lengths to insure only the most deserving receive the benefit of this worthy legacy scholarship.”
Collision Repair Education Foundation Board of Trustees
Scholarship Recipient ($2,000 award)
Justin Furman (Washtenaw Community College – Ann Arbor, MI)
Zachairah Hamlin (Mid Maine Technical Center – Waterville, ME)
The Collision Repair Education Foundation Board of Trustees Scholarship is funded by the current members of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees Scholarship offers students financial assistance with tuition and other costs associated with their collision education.
For information on how to donate to programs supported by the Education Foundation visit