PPG Automotive Refinish launched Paint It, a Web-based application to help collision centers find the most current automotive color information for domestic and import vehicles. This tool is designed to make color identification and selection in the automotive refinish process easier and more accurate.
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Paint It is accessible through www.ppgpaintit.com
In addition to exterior colors, Paint It also identifies accent, interior, under-hood, wheel, and trim colors, allowing paint technicians to verify all the necessary color components at one time prior to beginning the repair. Once the correct color is identified, users are a click away from formula retrieval via the PPG Online Color Formulation tool.
According to Kimbro, early user response to Paint It has been positive. “Customers are telling us Paint It is very easy to use and extremely helpful,” she says. “Paint It proves finding accurate information quickly doesn’t have to be that hard.”
To learn more about Paint It and PPG, call (800) 647- 6050 or visit www.ppgrefinish.com.