Let's play with some ignition systems and see how the spark teaches us.
Ignition systems can be one of three basic designs: the distributor ignition system, the distributorless (DIS) ignition system or the coil-on-plug (COP) system. They all perform the same function, but even in the individual systems, design differences make offering you a "one size fits all" troubleshooting guide a little difficult. So instead, let's play and take a look at how to approach examples of all three.
A 1989 Jeep Comanche
The distributor ignition system has been around for as long as I can remember. Originally, a mechanical set of electrical contacts called points was used on the ground side of the coil primary to control current flow. They were opened and closed by small ramps built into the distributor shaft, which the camshaft drove.If you can access the spark plug lead, a quick test of any ignition system's health can be performed with a spark tester. This handy tool allows you to adjust the air gap between the test points and is installed in the ignition lead in place of the spark plug. The other side of the tool is firmly attached to a good engine ground. Disable the fuel system to avoid flooding the cylinders with gas and crank the engine over.
A 2006 Kia Sportage
This four banger uses a distributorless, or DIS, ignition system. Instead of one ignition coil for use by all the engine's cylinders, a DIS system uses one coil for each pair of cylinders. Also called an EI, or electronic ignition, system by some manufacturers, this design puts out a significant increase in spark energy of 30,000-plus volts, which is needed to ignite the leaner mixture in later model engines.Here's a question for you to consider, that is, if you've been keeping up with our electrical discussions. Every circuit has a source of EMF and a load. I've stated that in the majority of cases, the battery is the source. But what is the source in the DIS secondary? And what is the load?
The secondary coil winding is the source, and the two spark plugs are the loads in the circuit. You know the battery has a positive and negative side as does the secondary. Current flows from the negative side of the coil, through the first spark plug and the cylinder head to the second plug and back to the coil. The compression plug is going to need the most energy, but if a problem occurs on the first plug's side of the coil (excessive gap, weak coil output, etc.), there may not be enough left for the second plug. That is why you can have a single misfiring cylinder even when the coil is shared.
Testing the spark energy can be done with the spark tester, just like with the Jeep. A scope and amp clamp can be used to test these systems, and often spot weaknesses you may miss with a mechanical tester.A 2007 Toyota Corolla
The Toyota uses a version of the newest ignition system design, the coil on plug or COP ignition. In these systems, one coil is assigned to each cylinder. Some of these systems can produce as much as 50,000 volts, so I wouldn't hold one in my hand while it was working if I were you!Many COP coils are controlled like all the rest — on the ground side by the ECM. One of the challenges of modern engines is accessing the plugs in order to scope the secondary ignition system. On any two-wire DIS or COP coils, you can attach your scope lead to the primary control side (ground side) of the coil to trace the primary event. This will produce a few hundred volts, so make sure you use an attenuator to prevent damaging your scope. The pattern, with the exception of the firing line, will mimic the secondary on most designs and allow you easier access by connecting at an exposed harness connector or at the ECM itself.
And the igniter COP coil is not unique to Toyota. If you see more than two wires headed into a COP coil, spend some time studying exactly what makes that system tick before beginning any fault diagnosis. Troubleshooting ignition systems is still based on some old principles, but it's how they are applied on a modern car that can create the challenge.