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Charity Cars CampaignEditor's Note: Last November, we reported on the announcement of the Auto Value/Bumper to Bumper Charity Cars Campaign launch and its nationwide focus in 2007.
To lend our support, we're publishing a recent letter we received about the campaign from R. Dale Leigh, the campaign's national chairperson and a regular contributing editor to Motor Age. Hello friends and associates,
As you know, I have the great honor to be the national chairperson for the Auto Value/Bumper to Bumper Charity Cars Campaign, a tremendous program that has auto repair shops donating their time and labor; auto parts vendors donating all the necessary replacement parts; and a wonderful organization known as The
Original 800 Charity Cars handling the paperwork to complete the picture. We are refurbishing donated vehicles to safe, reliable, roadworthy condition and then donating them to local area victims of domestic violence: real people with real needs, right in your area.
To donate your automobile,
call 1-800-CHARITY and tell them you want to donate your vehicle to the Auto Value/Bumper to Bumper Charity Cars Campaign. In 2005, our first campaign saw us give away 100 automobiles on October 16 here in Chicago. There is a
video link to a short version (2:39 minutes) of the longer video documentary of that unbelievable event. This was the most incredible day I have ever spent in the automotive industry, and I have never been more proud of anything I've ever done than this. I am grateful to God for the opportunity to serve this noble cause. Now, in 2007, across North America - the United States and Canada - we are poised to gift over 500 vehicles to victims of domestic violence who only need a hand up, not a handout. With your help, the total value of this gift will be in excess of $5 million. I ask you from my heart to consider doing two simple things, if you will humor me: First, please forward the link to this video to anyone and everyone you know because this great program helps real people rebuild their lives and escape the nightmare that is domestic violence, and we need to make as much noise as is humanly possible. Second, if you are considering selling your automobile - or even donating it - won't you please consider this program as an option? Thank you for your kind courtesy in looking into this wonderful program, and thank you for helping us help our neighbors.
R. Dale Leigh
National Chairperson
The Auto Value/Bumper to Bumper Charity Cars Campaign