The Ft. Myers, Fla. area will be the site
Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes next A-Plus™
EcoLean™ Level 2 workshop Oct. 5-6, 2011, at the Hyatt
Regency Coconut Point, in Bonita Springs, Fla.
The EcoLean Level 2 workshop is designed to further
educate collision repair owners and managers to maximize
profit while reducing the environmental impact of the
facility’s process and environmental waste. The course
is open to all collision center representatives that
have previously attended the EcoLean Level 1 workshop.
In Level 2, participants will learn the importance of a
complete and accurate repair plan in a lean collision
repair facility, as well as marketing and communication
tactics they can use to get the word out about ‘going
green’. The mechanics of an environmental management
system as well as compensation solutions of lean
collision facilities will be discussed.
“Integrating lean practices into your collision repair
facility benefits both the facility and the
environment,” said Troy Neuerburg, Marketing Manager -
Business Services for Sherwin-Williams Automotive
Finishes. “EcoLean teaches collision facility owners how
to improve the quality, production output and
profitability of their facilities, while reducing
process and environmental waste.”
After attending the session participants will leave the
two day event with tangible tools to decrease the amount
of waste at their facility, but will increase
profitability and productivity.
To register for the A-Plus University EcoLean Level 2
workshop online, visit www.sherwin- For more information on the EcoLean
program, call (804) 433-9690.