Aug. 28, 2017—To better assist shop owners with their production management, marketing tactics and leadership styles, FenderBender has compiled a short list of essential business-building material from some of its favorite sources.
Top 4 Digital Marketing Trends to Shape the Future - Irish Tech News
The digital marketing landscape has taken a big leap in last two years and is still growing rapidly. It has become accessible for people to compare products online. Software outsourcing is one of the most commonly used processes in the digital marketing space. The process of purchase is becoming truly transparent and has become a wonderful way to earn more for sellers and buy better for customers as the system has become clearer. Here are some trends to watch this year.
How to Work with a Bad Listener - Harvard Business Review
It’s a challenge to work with people—peers, junior colleagues, or even bosses—who just don’t listen. Whether your colleagues interrupt you, ramble on, seem distracted, or are always waiting for their turn to talk, the impact is the same: You don’t feel heard, and the chances for misunderstandings—and mistakes—rise. Are there tactics you can use to encourage your colleagues to listen better? Should you talk to them about their poor listening skills? What’s the best way to deliver the message?
3 Ways to Stop Overcomplicating Your Content Marketing Strategy - EntrepreneurIn this video, Kate Volman shares three tips for simplifying content creation. She suggests blocking out time in your week to write posts or scripts, record videos or chat with someone you've hired to do the creative work for you. And when it comes to the subject matter of your content, she warns again not to overcomplicate things and instead lean on your expertise.
How These Successful CEOs Learned to Lead Through Uncertainty - Inc.
Almost half of the 500 CEOs responding to an Inc. survey say that political instability has complicated their jobs, forcing them to rethink things like strategy, supply chains, and markets. If the result is beneficial, prolonged periods during which major issues remain unresolved or circumstances change quickly make strategic planning and risk-taking difficult. Here's how the CEOs are dealing with that dilemma.
Are You Misreading Your SEO Data? 7 Common Mistakes - Forbes
Search engine optimization (SEO) relies on many factors to be successful, but one of the most important is the marketer’s ability to measure and interpret SEO data. There are a few qualities of SEO that make it depend on this period of analysis to be successful. Looking at your data, including your inbound traffic, search rankings, and user behavior, is the only way you can know if your campaign is working, how it’s working, and most importantly, how it can be improved. If you aren’t reading that data properly, however, you could end up changing your campaign in the wrong direction.