Dec. 15, 2020—CSN Collision Centers partnered with Make-A-Wish Canada to present the Hope for the Holidays virtual auction earlier this month, bringing in $95,000 for children with critical illnesses.
According to a press release, CSN and its industry partners brought hundreds of prizes to the auction, such as golf packages and high-end electronics. The highlight of the event was when 17-year-old Logan, a wish kid, learned that his dream of having a racecar experience would be granted at the 2021 Honda Indy in Toronto.
“Seeing Logan’s face when he learned his wish was being granted was the perfect way to end the event and it’s why we are so appreciative and grateful to be partnered with Make-A-Wish and get the opportunity to grant life changing wishes to kids who need some hope this year,” CSN’s director of marketing and communications Ashley Thorpe says in the release.