Sept. 6, 2012—Copart, a provider of salvage vehicle services, has donated $15,000 to the Collision Repair Education Foundation.
The Education Foundation said Copart’s donation will be used to support its Collision Repair Education Campaign fund, which provides student scholarships, school grants and the annual Ultimate Collision Education Makeover $50,000 school grant.
“Copart is proud to support the efforts of the Collision Repair Education Foundation as this organization continues its ongoing educational work,” said Jay Adair, CEO of Copart. “It is critical that there be investments in collision school programs, and most importantly, investments in the next generation of collision repair industry professionals. We are happy to do our part to ensure the industry thrives and grows.”
“Secondary and post-secondary collision school programs, instructors and students are facing a difficult crossroad. The advance technologies and materials for today’s vehicles will require a well-trained, skilled workforce to repair them safely and efficiently. While all of these advanced skill sets and higher technical education will be needed by tomorrows repair technicians, there has never been a time in history when school budgets have been under such exceptional pressure,” said Clark Plucinski, executive director of the Education Foundation. “Programs like collision repair bear the brunt of funding cuts. The industry supporters, such as Copart, allow the Education Foundation to assist these schools with needed tools, equipment and supplies for their collision programs.”