Customizable based on a specific shop’s needs, Collision Repair Experts provides a variety of tools to streamline processes, promote consistent performance and increase revenue.
CRX program benefits include:
- Group reporting (market performance and trends
- Shop reporting (shop performance baselining)
- Employee reporting (employee accountability
- 24/7 Call Center support
- Marketing solutions including online appointment
scheduling and shop-specific search engine optimized (SEO) web
pages on
- Real-time customer follow-up during and after the repair
Ron Pyle, ASA president and chief executive officer, said “ASA is happy to be able to offer our members this platform as an option to enhance their success. It not only has the potential to lead consumers to their door through multiple marketing tools, the benchmarking features of the CRX product will help our collision-repair members understand their business at a statistical and comparative level.”
For more information about the CRX program and its benefits, or to sign up for the CRX program, call Sarah Peterson at (866) 947-5877 and mention you are a member of ASA or visit
Learn more about ASA’s entire benefits portfolio by visiting the ASA Marketplace. To join ASA, visit or call (800) ASA-SHOP (272 -7467), ext. 361, to speak with an ASA representative.
For more information about Collision Repair Experts, go to
For additional information about ASA, including past news releases, go to , or visit ASA’s legislative website at