Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. is expected to see marked improvements in profitability, cash flow and debt-equity ratio, concluded Moody's Investors Service. A credit ratings, research and risk analysis service, Moody's assessed Hella as having improved its financial base significantly, despite an increasingly difficult market environment for automotive suppliers. "We expect further improvements in profitability and in the key financial ratios to be achieved in the 2007/2008 fiscal year," Moody's states. One of the largest automotive aftermarket organizations in the world for parts and technology, Hella's fiscal year end is May 31. The results position Hella in the Baa rating category, classifying it as an investment grade company. Moody's deems Hella's positive liquidity, high cash reserves and adequate available credit lines as "solid and stable for the necessary financing requirements over the next 12 months." Hella develops and manufactures components and systems for lighting technology and electronics for the automotive industry. In addition, joint venture companies also produce complete vehicle modules, air conditioning systems and vehicle electric systems. For more information, visit Hella online. |