March 22, 2013—The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has cited Hoffman Auto Body Shop in East Hartford, Conn., for nine alleged violations of workplace safety standards.
The auto body repair shop faces proposed fines of $54,300.
OSHA’s Hartford office launched an inspection last December to verify correction of hazards that were cited during a 2011 inspection. Inspectors found hazards similar to those cited during the 2011 inspection.
Those hazards included the storage of flammable equipment and materials near paint spray booths and electric panels. OSHA said the stored materials limited access to extinguish potential fires and impeded cleaning around the booths.
These conditions resulted in the issuance of two repeat citations—which exists when an employer previously has been cited for the same violation within the last five years—with $40,000 in proposed fines.
“The bulk of these fines stem from recurring hazards identified during this latest inspection," said Warren Simpson, OSHA's area director in Hartford. "Workers at the facility remained exposed to potential hazards. This employer needs to take effective action to correct these safety issues and prevent their recurrence."
Additional hazards found, which resulted in $14,300 in proposed fines, include inadequate storage, disposal and cleanup of flammable and combustible materials, unlabeled containers of hazardous chemicals, and an improperly located electrical outlet.
Hoffman Auto Body Shop has 15 business days from receipt of its citations and proposed penalties to comply and meet with OSHA's area director or contest the findings.