Freer Auto Body, in Godfry, Illinois, hosted their annual Cookies and Cocoa event to raise money for Community Christmas on December 5.
Now in its 16th year, Cookies and Cocoa collects toys and money to be distributed to several agencies, which then give the donations to families in need during the holidays. Community members stopped by Freer Auto Body to drop off donations and enjoy cookies, hot cocoa, and a visit with Santa.
This Christmas season, the shop raised $7,300, with $4,000 coming from Enterprise Mobility and the rest from private individual donations. Including their Christmas in July event, which collected over $73,500, they raised a total of $80,000 this year.
Margaret Freer, of Freer Auto Body, told FenderBender that every year, the Freers begin their Community Christmas campaign with the annual Christmas in July event.
Cookies and Cocoa serves as a final push to collect donations before the toys are sorted at Salvation Army.
The final count of donations was provided to FenderBender on Monday, December 23.