Once again, legislation was introduced in the Missouri Legislature that seeks to repeal the state’s vehicle safety inspection program.
State Rep. J. Eggleston, assistant floor leader of the House, introduced House Bill (HB) 451. Eggleston introduced similar legislation last session – HB 1444. ASA opposed HB 1444 and successfully worked with ASA members in Missouri, as well as coalition partners, to ensure the bill did not become law.
ASA opposes HB 451 and has begun efforts to stop this bill from moving forward. A hearing for the legislation has not been scheduled to date.
“There are approximately 15 state vehicle inspection programs,” said ASA Mechanical Division Director Tom Pippo, AMAM. “With the number of recalls and rapidly increasing vehicle technologies, the trend should be for more state inspection programs, not less. Missouri’s program is one of the best in the nation, and ASA has profiled it in hearings in Washington, D.C., and in other states. Any effort to repeal the program is nonsensical.”
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