Untitled DocumentWASHINGTON, D.C. — Missouri state Rep. Jason Brown has introduced legislation that would change the Missouri State Safety Inspection Program to exempt vehicles from testing for their first six years. Missouri House Bill 1486 was introduced Jan. 9 and was referred to the Special Committee on General Laws.
The Automotive Service Association (ASA) opposes changes to the Missouri Vehicle Safety Inspection Program and says that such a bill would mean that a car could have 90,000 miles or more (based on the average annual mileage of 15,000) before its first vehicle safety inspection. The bill’s effect would be to create less-safe highways in Missouri – more accidents leading to more injuries and possibly deaths.
There has been a history of such legislation in Missouri. During the last legislative session, Missouri state Sen. Charlie Shields introduced Senate Bill 17 that would have abolished the state’s inspection program, excluding the St. Louis metropolitan area and school buses. Prior to this, in 2006, state Sen. David Klindt offered an amendment to a bill that would have repealed all safety inspections for vehicles in Missouri.
ASA asks Missouri repairers to contact their legislators and express their opposition to H.B. 1486. To view the text of the legislation and to send a letter in opposition, visit ASA’s legislative Web site, www.TakingTheHill.com. Click on the “Legislative Alert Center” tab and search “Missouri.”