Following the success of IBIS Turkey 2014, the international collision repair conference is returning to the country on 11 November 2015, once again at the Hilton Istanbul Bomonti.
This year Jason Moseley has taken the role of conference director. Jason has an early career background in automotive engineering, before joining Thatcham where he launched the first UK aftermarket parts accreditation programme and led the introduction of the PAS125 standard. He then joined Solera where he headed up central business development, deploying digitized solutions to the Audatex markets in claims and SMR.
Now Jason is part of the IBIS team, and we spoke to him about the upcoming conference, opportunities in the Turkish market and what the future potentially holds for stakeholders.
Why is IBIS returning to Turkey?
After our success in 2014, the IBIS team felt there was unfinished business and more to do to connect and share experiences in the market. Motor insurance represents over 50% of the Turkish property and casualty market. There continues to be strong growth in the third party liability area, however the combined ratio results are not so healthy. Through IBIS, we are able to continue to bring ideas and cross pollination to the marketplace to drive further efficiency and risk mitigation in the claims and repair process.
What did IBIS learn about the country in 2014?
The main thing we learnt is that there is still a lot of optimization and collaboration that can be made in the lifecycle of vehicle management and/or the claims process in Turkey. The supply chain has made some big steps forward but there is more that needs to be done to create harmonious relationship. The very recent regulation change in how third party claims are processed means that it is more important than ever to have a strong, efficient and cost-effective solution at all the touch points along the chain.
What can you tell us about the sessions at this year’s conference?
We will be bring together a series of high profile speakers and commentators to give the very latest insights in the key elements of Safety, Skills and Standards. We will also be exploring market data, the advancing of technology, how different stakeholders address their issues and there will be a lively panel debate session to get the delegates thinking.
We’re hearing lots about Safety, Skills and Standards, how does that fit in with IBIS’s worldview?
These three things are the pillars on which IBIS is based. We believe focusing on doing these things right and sharing best practice across the world will lead to a stronger and healthier collision repair market. Not to forget giving customers and consumers the reassurance of our industry properly looking after their asset – the motor vehicle.
What is the most exciting part of the Turkish market?
I think there are two: diversity and opportunity. There is a real mix of collision repair models, claims processes and insurer approaches. Added to this is the inherent culture in that market to want to hear and take on new ideas from around the globe, which is really exciting. The recent legislation changes also mean there is a great deal of opportunity and at the same time some risk exposure. The IBIS team puts these items on the agenda, making them available for cross-industry discussion.
What opportunities are present for international businesses in Turkey?
Turkey has a population of around 76 Million, GDP is $800bn and this is expected to steadily grow at over 3% for the next five years. Data from the World Bank put Turkey in the ‘upper middle income’ economy bracket. This means that the market is growing and a great deal of opportunity exists in managing the automotive asset in its lifecycle as the market continues to expand.
Why should top level automotive executives attend IBIS Turkey 2015?
The very nature of the IBIS philosophy and our focus on Safety, Skills and Standards means that we take a very strategic view in driving improvements in our industry. We will be bring together industry thought leaders from all over the world, which will be absolutely invaluable for senior executives to leverage. This could be through simply taking best practices from the sessions or connecting face-to-face with the participants and sharing the knowhow. We believe that there is going to be some very practical results from IBIS Turkey 2015 that will give a force multiplier of value to those participating.
IBIS Turkey is only possible with the support of its partners AkzoNobel, Audatex and Fix Auto. If you would like to attend IBIS Turkey 2015, please contact Nicola Keady: [email protected] or phone: 00 44 1296642826.
About IBIS
Since its inception in 2001, IBIS - the International Bodyshop Industry Symposium - has become firmly established as the leading global conference and networking provider for collision industry leaders and influencers.
The inaugural Summit was held at the Celtic Manor Resort Hotel in Wales in 2001 and hosted 120 delegates from 12 countries. Since then, IBIS has been held at various venues around the world and annually attracts over 350 delegates from more than 35 countries.
Alongside the IBIS Global Summit sits an increasing number of Regional events designed to bring global knowledge to local markets. Regional events have covered Poland, Turkey and the Middle East, with further activities across the globe covering China, India, Australia, South Africa, Russia, USA, Italy and many more.
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