NABC's First Responder Emergency Extrication program continues to grow

Aug. 13, 2015
NABC's First Responder Emergency Extrication (FREE) program is unique in that it provides first responders with a valuable hands-on opportunity to practice extrication techniques specifically on late model vehicles donated by insurance companies.

With advancements in vehicle technology, knowing where and how to efficiently cut and extricate can save lives as well as the safety of the first responders.

The National Auto Body Council’s First Responder Emergency Extrication (FREETM) program is unique in that it provides first responders with a valuable hands-on opportunity to practice extrication techniques specifically on late model vehicles donated by insurance companies.

Collision industry professionals have access to the most current vehicle technical information and through the National Auto Body Council’s FREE program, are able to share this valuable information with first responders as a community service.

Fire departments and rescue squads welcome the opportunity to receive additional practice, especially on newer vehicles with current systems including sophisticated electronics and multiple airbag systems. Elizabeth Clark, Program Manager of State Farm, elaborates, “The program provides hands-on training that supplements what first responders are already getting. There are varying degrees of funds and support for these agencies—some of them are volunteer fire departments. Any additional training they can get is very much appreciated,”

State Farm Insurance has been a key contributor to the National Auto Body Council’s FREE program since 2009, generously donating an average of three to four late model vehicles per extrication event. The events are held in partnership with Holmatro Rescue Equipment instructors who provide classroom training, followed by valuable hands-on experience cutting on vehicles with high-strength steels and practicing life-saving extrication techniques.

FREE has grown over the years, and The National Auto Body Council is launching an extensive campaign for the month of September. Clark explains, “Each year that the National Auto Body Council has done FREE, it’s increased the number of events. This year is really exciting because in September we’re organizing a First Responders Emergency Extrication month. It’s in support of the National First Responder Appreciation month (which is September). It’s kicking off at IIHS on September first with a four-car FREE event and an IIHS crash test. Our goal is to have around thirty FREE events over the course of the month and to cover the country with several different member shops participating.”

To learn more about FREE and the events in September, visit

The National Auto Body Council held First Responder Emergency Extrication demonstrations at NACE | CARS Expo 2015 in Detroit.


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