Assured Performance appoints Leanne Jeffries to lead Canadian body shop certification
Ms. Jefferies is a well-known Canadian collision repair industry leader. With nearly 20 years of experience, her past experience includes ownership of a collision repair facility and management of a major trade magazine."My leadership role at Assured Performance aligns perfectly with my values and passion - I look forward to creating positive change to improve the collision repair industry for all its stakeholders." Jefferies said."I am excited to be involved in bringing this program to Canada. It is a great opportunity to advance our level of professionalism, and help repairers gain recognition from OEMs, insurers and consumers, for their investments in the proper tools, equipment, training, and facility modifications." Assured Performance's slogan is "Certified Once, Recognized by Many", meaning that body shops are certified once annually by Assured Performance and simultaneously recognized by all of the participating OEMs under one umbrella program, for one fee.
Ms. Jefferies will continue in her current position as Director, Collision Programs, AIA Canada, where she is responsible for management of CCIF (Canadian Collision Industry Forum). She will also continue in her role as Director, CCIF Skills Program, promoting careers in the collision industry across Canada. All of these responsibilities remain complementary and all share the goal of helping maintain an industry of excellence.
Scott Biggs, CEO and founder of Assured Performance added, "Leanne is a tremendous addition to our team. Her knowledge and experience are second to none and her strong relationships with others in the industry are sure to be highly beneficial in building bridges with all of the players in the Canadian collision repair industry." Biggs continued, "Her life-long focus on improving the industry makes her a perfect fit with the Assured Performance philosophy. We are thrilled to have her join Assured Performance and introduce the Certified Collision Care program to Canada in late fall."
For additional information: Certified Collision Care program (
About Assured Performance Network: Assured Performance Network is made up of three organizations: A non-profit consumer advocacy organization, a legal Cooperative (Co-Op), and management company. Combined, they operate as a third-party administrator for consumer awareness, various vendor rebate programs, and body shop Certification-Recognition for several of the largest automakers including but not limited to Ford, Nissan, Infiniti, Fiat/Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), GM, Hyundai and others. Assured Performance Network is the largest network of Certified-Recognized body shops with over 2,500 body shops participating. |